Organisation of exhibitions, conferences, concerts
1993 – Organiser of the First International Annual Festival of the Art of the Deacon, Moscow
1997 – Organiser of scholarly conference in memory of Prof. Yury Keldysh at the State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow
2003 – Consultant for the performance of Kastalsky’s Liturgy for Women’s Voices, Scottish Voices (director – Prof. Graham Hair), Glasgow University Chapel, 14 June 2003 (preparing the texts of the Liturgy, work with the singers and conductor on pronunciation and preparation of the accompanying brochure).
2006 – Preparing (jointly with Stuart Campbell) the score of Kastalsky’s Requiem for Fallen Brothers for performance in Glasgow and London (Strathclyde University Chamber Choir, director Alan Taverner)
November to December 2006 – Organizing international celebrations of Kastalsky’s 150th anniversary
6 November 2007 – Organizing the presentation and exhibition on the occasion of the handing-over of part of the archive of the Choir of Don Cossacks conducted by Serge Jaroff to the State Museum of Musical Culture
April 2008 – Organizing (jointly with Stuart Campbell) a Moscow concert tour by Strathclyde University Chamber Choir, director Alan Taverner
17–19 September 2008 – Organising the international conference and exhibition “The Russia Abroad: Music and Russian Orthodoxy”, held at The House of The Russian Abroad of A. Solzhenitsyn Moscow (with Stuart Campbell). Link
10–13 November 2009 – Preparing exhibition and conference about the outstanding choir director in the Russian Emigration Serge Jaroff and his Don Cossack Chorus. (Kostroma, First International Jaroff Assemblies of Singing)
1–3 December 2010 – Member of the organisational committee of the International academic conference “The Russian Paris between the two World Wars”, held at The House of The Russian Abroad of A. Solzhenitsyn Moscow.
15–17 November 2012 – Consultant for the organisation of the “International Jaroff Assemblies of Singing” music festival, Kostroma.
1–13 November 2013 – Organiser of the international project “Homecoming”, Saint Petersburg.
13 April 2015 – Preparing and conducting round-table discussion on the topic of “Music of the Russian Diaspora: History and Primary Sources”. Collaboration with Michael Tolstoy (Saint Petersburg/San Francisco) and with colleagues from SIAS and the House of the Russian Abroad. State Institute of Art Studies, Moscow.
18 November 2021 to 27 February 2022 – Participating in the organisation of the exhibition “Heaven’s Mysterious Verb” in honour of the 300th Anniversary of the Synodal Choir. Central State Museum for the Contemporary History of Russia, Moscow.